Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reflections & Shadow Journal

reflection photos:

This image a black and white photo of flexed hands reflecting in water.
The flexed fingers create curved lines.
I like this photo because the reflection is sharp and its like 4 hands in the same photo.

This phto shows zebraz drinking out of a lake and their reflection is in the lake.
There are cool curved lines on the zebras
I like this photo because it looks like the zebras are infront of a mirror


This is a photo of a dog who is backlit and its shadow is bein casted infront of it
This black and white photo has simplicity.
I like this photo because its kind of sad and the dogs body shape is cool and elongated in the shadow.

This is a photo of coulmns backlit by the sun and the coulmns are casting shadows.
The shadows create vertical lines
I like this photo because of the different shapes(the semi-circular coulmns, and vertical lines)
I also really like the lighting.

Reflections in water and mirrors of people, plants, animals
Reflections is unusal things like sunglasses shades.
Shadows like of people creating shapes with their hands
Shadows of tall buildings
Shdows animals, plants, etc,
Shadows of twisted objects.